Logitech Retro Keyboard Legs

Logitech Retro Keyboard Legs


It's a shame to own an exquisitely nice keyboard and have one of those 8 degree legs in the back missing, forcing you to prop the keyboard against your laptop so you can type more comfortably. My poor co-worker lost one of her keyboard legs and I hated to watch her suffer so I spent the evening copying the surviving leg and providing her with a solution the next morning. Inefficiencies bother me. But, why should we be the only ones to lavish in this betterment of our lives? I post this thing here in hopes that someday it will guide another lost soul out there to happiness and filament-less fulfillment (yeah, print this on an SLA resin printer, not your typical ABS/PLA filament printer). If you print out the posted version with supports under the nubs, please don't forget to snip those off before installing both the legs. If you found this useful, it would bring me great joy to see your work - so be sure to share. :) Or, better yet, please feel free to dump a bitcoin or two here: 1Py3TUeR8noBN2giHyFV1GfB6x3Kh2WEVv ... include a note to the effect of "Hi 3E8, thanks for the keyboard leg thing... my life has improved five-fold on account of it and please accept this paltry amount in gratitude". You're welcome! (in advance) :D Also, feel free to peruse my other submissions which are almost as varied as they are many: http://www.thingiverse.com/3E8/designs Enjoy!






