I-Beam GeoCache

I-Beam GeoCache


Container made to go on a "I-Beam" of a guardrail. Some guardrails have these, I think some are different sizes but most I believe are this size. Of course you could change to you needs. It is made to snap on top of a I-beam, container on bottom to hold log for geocaching. I considered making container for each side, but when removed it would be hard to squeeze fingers in between so I decided on one side only. I left gaps in case some I-beams are thicker than others. but it seems to hold nice and I don't think it will blow away or anything. You could add a magnet somewhere if you wanted extra security. I've included the f3d file if you want to edit it. I printed it without supports from the program I usually use, I added some supports where the log goes, and you can easily remove them after it prints. The inside of the "log area" still printed fine without extra supports and holds the log just fine, there was some PLA hanging down but it doesn't affect its purpose. I printed on lowest settings possible and was fine.



