20mm Extrusion Mount for Ikea Ledberg LEDs
This is a very simple Mount for Ikea Ledberg LEDs on the back of your X-Axis. Printing should take about 10 to 15 minutes per piece, depending on your print speed. In order to fit this to the Ender 3 you have to cut of two LEDs from the bar (i used a dremel for this) For this refer to the picture from the LED Strip with the mark. On the right of the mark you can see the middle trace merging in the outer one. (In case you have the plug on the left, the trace should merge in the lower one) Cut the PCB after this merge, otherwise the LEDs won't work anymore. For larger printers like the CR10S Pro this isn't necessary. Slide the mounts from one side into the extrusion and clip the LED Bar right in. Done :) Now you can watch your prints with perfect lighting. You can combine this also with https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3394502 in the left and right extrusion.