Baby Puss
Baby Puss, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. The Flintstones cartoon takes place in a romanticized Stone Age setting, depicting the lives of the Flintstone family and their best friends and neighbors the Rubbles. Baby Puss is the Flintstones' pet saber-toothed cat, which is rarely seen in the actual series, but is always seen throwing Fred out of the house during the end credits, causing Fred to pound repeatedly on the front door and yell "Wilma!", waking the whole neighborhood in the process. Baby Puss was modeled in proportion to my Fred, Wilma, Barney, Betty, Pebbles, BamBam and Dino models. No supports are required. If you have the proper filament colors, no painting is needed. The model is 200mm tall after assembly. Enjoy, and I hope you have a "Yaba Daba Do" time printing this! (Don't forget to post your makes. The more makes I see, the more models I create.)