Dual Z CR 10 single stepper

Dual Z CR 10 single stepper


I made new mounts because I have different sized M5 bolts and I'm going to be using some FL08 bearings I ordered of aliexpress. The top two mounts are mirrored the bottom left and right should be identical. For the rest see https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2668969. Finally got my replacement mount for the right side so I could mount the second Z-axis and as you can see from my temp-tower it works and prints consistent with all temperatures. The belt tensioner from the original did not work for me, so I used the CR-10 original X-Axis belt tensioner instead, since I was replacing it anyway. I was planning to print one giant 20x20 tube, but forgot to turn off the temperature tower macro in the slicer. Still a good test though because it shows the consistency from 235 celsius till failure to extrude at around 290/285, in the pictures from left to right or bottom to top. I made sure to photograph the Z-seam and I did not print in vase-mode and the thing is watertight right up till the point extrusion failed. Don't know about anybody else, but till now my CR-10 was completely unable to lay down watertight layers even with a 0.8 nozzle with 6 perimeters. Now I'm getting consistent watertight layers with 1 perimeter and it even looks I no longer have z-banding issues either.



