Broken Femur / Bone Screw Model Prop

Broken Femur / Bone Screw Model Prop


This is a 3D model of a femur derived from CT image data of a real femur, acquired from the embodi3D medical image database and uploaded by embodi3D user vishakk. The original CT image files can be found at Many thanks to embodi3D user vishakk for the CT image data of the femur used to generate this model. The browser-based democratiz3D conversion program was used to generate a 3D .STL model of the femur using the CT image data. This .STL file was then opened in Fusion360, and a diagonal break made in the femur manually using a Cut extrusion. This model also includes 3 models of a code HA-4 shallow-threaded bone-screw that were made in Fusion360 using the parameters provided by ISO standard ISO 5835:1991(en) for a medical bone-screw, linked here: After creation of the bone-screws in Fusion360, the bone-screw models were used to create identical holes in the two halves of the femur, to all for easier insertion of the screws into the models. The purpose of this design is to serve as a prop for use in an undergraduate 3D biofabrication / bioprinting class at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester. The finished print pictured above was printed at 80% scale, so that the models would fit on the printer. This includes the models for the bone-screws, which were also printed at 80% scale.






