RMRC RDQ Rotor Riot PSU Covers

RMRC RDQ Rotor Riot PSU Covers


Covers for the 24V/400W power supply unit sold by numerous outlets for RC battery chargers. These are a friction fit for both ends of the power supply (mains/120v and 24V). For the XT60 end: - print on the connector end with no supports. - the fit can be a little tight between the wall of the charger and the connector block. If the connector twists out of position slightly it can block the cover from sliding into place. Do not force the cover in place but ensure there is adequate clearance and that the connector block is correctly aligned. - photo above is a bespoke version for a mate. The uploaded sTL is blank/no logo. For the mains/120v input end: - print either resting on the connector end with supports on build plate only (although the finish on that end can be slightly untidy) or on the non-logo'd side with supports everywhere. - the mains cable is held in place with a 3mmx15mm screw and a standard, non-lock nut (although a lock nut may fit). Updates: - Added cap with double XT60 connector locations (please use with caution. Most of these PSUs are limited to 400W @ 24V, or 16.6A total. If you're using the PSU to power two devices, ensure that total current does not exceed 16.7A). - Added alternative mains end cap with hole for a mains socket/switch/fuse combo (such as this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NM0M8W8) with dimensions 47mm x 27.5mm, with the corners cutoff shown.







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