Tevo Tarantula X Carriage

Tevo Tarantula X Carriage


This was a remix of a remix (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1695553). I made this for my own setup, but have made it available here for anyone interested. I've included a STEP file for anyone that wants to mod it to their needs. This was never supposed to be the final product, but it's been working so I've continued to use it as is. I tried to use the belt tensioning parts from the original model with my model, but apparently my tolerances were off and it didn't work well. That's my fault. I decided to not use it and just strapped the belts to the ends of the carriage with the thought that I would fix it and reprint later. I never did. You'll need a contact point for the end stop to connect with. I improvised for my needs, but it wouldn't be hard to model and print a physical stop. In spite of all that's wrong with it, I have had great success printing with it as it is. Feel free to use the step file and make it your own!



