CR10-v2 Direct drive mount ( for stock extruder )
I went to design my own 'direct drive' extruder adaptor after Creality f*cked us all real good... Cr 10v2 supposed to have: direct drive adaptor/motor included + all-metal hotend.... What it has is no motor adaptor available. Jerald's assembly guide => <= Approx. of 94 - 94.5mm of Bowden tube is required for this mod. The adaptor layer facing the motor side has an extra 0.2mm layer. Instead of making hole outlines on support, this layer will be printed first, and holes will be printed on it afterward. Use an x-acto knife or deburring tool to remove excess material. The adaptor is pretty straightforward, slide it in from the left side on the stock metal plate and use 2screws to mount it in place, so it doesn't move around. Take stock extruder down from its original position and mount it on the adaptor. A short piece of the tube should be used ( 150mm - 170mm ), so my recommendation is Capricorn's tube. A motor wire extender is required, as well. Due to the new position ( orientation ), the filament runout sensor + filament spool holder should be placed on top of the Z-axis ( like Artillery SW x1 has it ). Since CR10v2 has 2 support rods by default, the Z-axis frame connector is more stable and should not vibrate as much with filament spool on top.