The Ghost. Star Wars: Rebels. 1/72.
Description NEW FACEBOOK GROUP FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND DISCUSSION!!!! 1/72 scale model kit of The Ghost from Star Wars: Rebels. This is a popular scaled, model kit based on The Ghost. Designed as a "shell", this kit will require additional detailing. Many parts, such as the cannons, are not viable to print at this scale on most 3d printers. They will require scratch building. The exterior panels are bare, with the intent of adding panels via sheet styrene add ons. This eases assembly of the main body and initial sanding. Tolerances are tight in places and some fettling will be required to ensure a perfect fit. With well over 100 parts, its NOT A KIT FOR BEGINNERS. This kit is aimed at the more experienced modeller, who can scratch build their own finishing touches. The glass work is not included. 3d STLs will be included as a reference but you'll have to work them out for yourself. Clear plastic spheres will work for the dorsal gun, and thermoforming around a buck will work for the canopy and nose gunner window. Pictures for orientation and assembly will follow. Phantom 1 files yet to be added. Will be added once tolerances have been checked. FBG= Fat Bottomed Ghost from Season 1. Removable if magnets are embedded. The landing legs will need to be solid plastic or brass. Once again, 3d printed parts just aren't up to the job. Print in order mostly. A couple of items are out of sync but shouldn't cause any problems. These STLs are scaled down from my 1/43 kit (Not released yet), and will make a decent model to compliment other Star Wars kits at 1/72 scale. It is less detailed internally due to the scale restrictions. Minimum print bed size is 200x200x230. I'm using an Anet A8. UPDATE. 13/12/19 Some parts have been tweaked. Once printed, due to scaling down, some parts were flimsy or not quite right. Parts 1000 to 1024 are good to go. I'll Post further updates as I print all the parts. If anyone has started to print, please let me know how it,s going. Pictures added of printed parts show number and orientation for printing. UPDATE. 29/12/19 All parts have been printed. I'm happy with the results. Some tolerances are tight and will require some sanding and fettling. Once I've cleaned up and done some primary sanding. I'll post some instructional pictures. UPDATE. 19/4/2020. I've created a face book page for instructions and discussion. Search for Rebels Ghost Builders and request to join. I've tried posting a link but it doesn't show up.