Ender 3 Direct Extruder mount for dual geared Extruder (CR10-S pro style)
Update as of November 2020 Added aversion with upshifted 5mm boltmounts and flatbottom. This enables it to be mounted on the linear rail x-axis mod https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3474395 with the drilltemplate https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4496685. Actually, this template is not correct, which I realized too late. The holes are about 8mm too high. I had to drill new 5.5mm holes for my modified mount. Update as of March 29 2020: As it was visible on the pictures, the hotend on my Ender 3 had about 2mm offset to the right which lead to a slightly crooked bowden guide from the extruder to the hotend. Doing some shenanigans in meshmixer and combining it with some basic OpenSCAD wizardry, I have created a second version which is 2mm offset to the right thus enabling to feed the bowden straight into the hotend. So if you face the same issue, please use this one (adapter2_shifted.stl)! Another remix of the beloved direct extruder mod mount from @benawhite to adapt for the new CR-10S style dual geared aluminum extruder. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000177086141.html The existing remixes didn't (fully) consider the spring tensioning screw. With my mod, the screw is fully sunkn in a 8mm hole. With removing only the corresponding stepper holding screw, you can access the tensioning screw to change spring tension. No need to fully disassemble the entire mod. For attaching the stepper motor to this mount, 2 pcs M3x25mm are needed. These are longer than the originally used ones. Please be aware! Print adapter.stl with 3-4 perimeters and 100% infill. 0.2mm layer height. If you want to modify, copy all files in a folder and open the openSCAD file. It imports the original mount and makes the changes. Render and save to a new STL-file. Same applies to the 2mm offset version. You need all reguar files in the same directory to create the offset piece. Have fun!