Golf Ball Retriever

Golf Ball Retriever


Golf Ball Retriever Why replace the entire pole when you’ve only broken the plastic? This design is one of the most common, and in my opinion, the simplest and very best of the golf ball retrievers, but it is easy to snap it off the end of the metal pole, leaving its plastic roots firmly and inexorably imbedded in the pole. (they make a lousy leaning stick when climbing back up the bank of the hazard!). This piece is designed for just that – the plastic is snapped off and there is still plastic firmly embedded in the pole. Print the GOLF BALL RETRIEVER for this solution. If you want the entire plastic part and think you can ream out the pole, or drive the remnant down into the pole – use the GOLF BALL RETRIEVER ENTIRE object. NOTE: the "Entire" object design is accurate for MY pole's inside diameter but it is UNTESTED. Happy hacking! the Giddy Gamer 2019/12/09



