BuRing - Petsfang Bullseye RGB Led Ring Ender 3
<h2>BuRing - RGB Led holder For Petsfang "Ender 3 "PRO" Bullseye duct"</h2> For ring with: <ul> <li> Inner diameter: 7,2 cm </li> <li> External diameter 8,5 cm </li> <li> Pixels count 24 </li> </ul> For mount use stock 2mm screws. Behind the mount is a hole for removing wires rev. 13.05.2020 Now I use orange pi zero. And I simply use sh scripts for led on and off: sudo adduser octo gpio use "gpio readall " to see pin statuses install libs https://github.com/doceme/py-spidev.git https://github.com/joosteto/ws2812-spi chmod 666 /dev/spidev1.0 chown octo octo ws2812.py chmod +xwr ws2812.py and use this scripts --led on python ~octo/.octoprint/scripts/ws2812.py -n 24 -c [[10,10,10]] --led off python ~octo/.octoprint/scripts/ws2812.py -n 24 -c [[0,0,0]] and add scripts to action command octoprint <a href="https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/cH4ttoOe">RGB LED Ring 24 pixels WS2812 5050</a></p> <p> <a href=" https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2759439">Petsfang Bullseye models </a></p> <p> <a href="https://github.com/joosteto/ws2812-spi">SPI ws2812 control RASPI</a></p> 12.12.2019 - Increase fan location size