Texas Tech Logo

Texas Tech Logo


Just a simple Texas Tech logo. I have included the F3D file for anyone who wants to make any changes to it in Fusion360. MultiColor Logo Instructions (Cura): *The printer must have advanced pause enabled in the firmware* 1. Load the .STL into Cura 2. Set the layer height For Initial Layer 0.3mm and all other layers 0.2mm the key layers are -6- and -11 For all layers 0.2mm, the key layers are -7- and -12 3. In the top left corner chose: Extentions>Post Prossesing>Modify G-Code 4. From the drop-down menu: Add a script > Filament Change Set the layer to the first key layer number and set the Initial Retraction to 10mm For printers with the layer change function enabled all other values must be set to zero or the printer will add both values together 5. From the drop-down menu: Add a script > Filament Change Set the layer to the second key layer number and set the Initial Retraction to 10mm For printers with the layer change function enabled all other values must be set to zero or the printer will add both values together 6. Close the post-processing menu and set all other settings as per your printer and filament 7.PRINT!!! Rember, the color order for this print, is BLACK then RED then WHITE, make sure to purge the nozzle, so the color changes entirely before resuming print 8. Share! Please share and post makes! V3 - Corrected lines to be accurate to the official Texas Tech logo V2 - Fixed some minor geometry issues that generated awkward layer lines in the middle of the print. V1 - Original Post.



