Kojacs Shield

Kojacs Shield


Kojac is the Champion of the wolf clan and not only does he carry a big Hammer he also carries a shield into battle. With his Hammer and Shield he becomes a wall of protection. Once he even stopped a hoard of xenos on a bridge. This is a proxy shield i made for a kit bashed Arjac Rockfist of the Space wolves. I remixed it with the items listed and the anvil was provided by a friend. You can find his proxy hammer here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4041284 ***WARNING: I had trouble printing this on my photon-s. Not sure why and i am not a professional designer. I even ran it thru net fab and still had trouble. The problem has t do with the outer ring of the shield, it printed as a solid wall straight through the shield and supports on some models, depending on orientation. If anyone can fix this, or knows why it may have happened, that would be great!*** Out of 8 or 10 prints i managed to get 1 good one. The picture shown here was my first batch of prints and was the only good print (still not so good as the supports were on the ring) out of 6. ***If you print it, please show it off!***






