DSB Traktor 57 - Olsen Banden Lokomotive H0 - Gauge

DSB Traktor 57 - Olsen Banden Lokomotive H0 - Gauge


DSB Traktor 56/57 for H0-gauge ============================== ### Used in the Olsen – gang (Olsen-Banden) movie “The Olsen Gang on the Track” (Olsen-banden på sporet). Update 2020/03/18: ---------------------------------- Added files: * Body for separate hand-rails to use with handrails made of 0.4mm wire. * Chassis for SLA - printers. Some makers reported that the axles are not sitting tight enough in the first version. At this version the distance of the bearings for the axle is reduced 0.6mm. Prototype: ----------------- The DSB (Danske Statsbaner) bought two of these small shunters in 1953 and registered them as “Rangertraktor 56” and “57”. They were built by the Pedershåb Maskinfabrik which also built an unknown number of this type for private Danish railway companies. The locomotive was powered by a 78 hp Bedford – gasoline engine. The two DSB locomotives were mostly used in the main DSB workshops in København and Århus. No. “57” has been restored and is now preserved at the Danish Railway Museum in Odense. The Olsen - Gang: ----------------- The locomotive became popular with its appearance in the comedy movie “The Olsen Gang on the Track” (Olsen-banden på sporet) from 1975 which was and is still popular in Denmark and Germany. The locomotive plays a leading role in the movie, when the gang “borrows” it to steal a “Safe-Wagon” made by “Franz Jäger, Berlin” which is a fictional safe-manufacturer who appears in a number of movies of the Olsen-series. A model of this wagon was once produced by Hobbytrain in H0 scale. Additional needed: ------------------ - Couplers. The model has two pockets for NEM-couplers. But they are placed lower than described in the NEM- standard. - Wheels: The model is designed to use the wheelsets from the Märklin/Trix "Rolling Road": Märklin spare part number: DC: E432950, AC E363630 Printing and assembling: ------------------------ The outer parts of the model must be printed with a small nozzle (~ 0.25mm) and low speed to keep the details. The windows are printed with a regular nozzle and transparent filament. The template for the decal is designed like the locomotive appears in the movie. The crown is missing at the locomotive in the museum. In the last years the locomotives were painted orange. Until the 1970s they were painted "DSB nr. 2 grøn 1951" which is green very near to RAL 6005. Sources and more information: ----------------------------- <https://www.jernbanen.dk/motor_solo.php?s=9&lokid=52> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Olsen_Gang_on_the_Track> <https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSB_Traktor_56/57> (German) <https://www.kvv73.dk/Danskimodel/Dansk_modeljernbane_danske_Farver.htm> about Danish railway colours. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BVj9Td-J17o" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Credits: -------------- Picture of the original locomotive by Alf van Beem. Published under CC-license. .






