VEX Squared Away 2019-2020 miniature game pieces
These are non-functional miniature versions of the field elements for VEXIQ Squared Away in the 2019-2020 season. These were designed to be glued on to custom printed "trophy" plates with our school name and the year. With a magnet glued to the back, I will give these to each of my competition team students as a refrigerator keepsake. ********************************** There are 4 suggested print methods for this project, each using specific files: *Fastest, easiest, but least interesting final result* +Single color print +a single piece +minimal supports +the ball is on the inside of the cube use>>> Squared Away ball inside cube single piece.stl *most interesting, but has post-printing assembly required* +the ball is on top of the cube +printing in colors matching the game pieces +reduced amount of supports needed +gluing the ball and cube pieces -- to facilitate gluing, one cross piece has small divots to improve the adhesion for CA glue (superglue); be sure to place the ball into that spot use>>> Squared Away cube only for ball on top.stl & Squared Away ball only.stl *quick set up for multiple copies, but has post-printing assembly required* +single color (single head printers) +2 color (double head printers) +glue the pieces together -- to facilitate gluing, one cross piece has small divots to improve the adhesion for CA glue (superglue); be sure to place the ball into that spot use>>> Squared Away ball and cube.stl *Slowest, most expensive, but awesome result* +single, solid piece +single color printing +no gluing required +will need lots of extra supports use>>> Squared Away single piece cube on top.stl