Monoprice Select Mini PRO LCD Cover V3.2 (Also Fits Malyan M200 Pro, and PrimaCreator v4.0)
Resolution: 0.21 Infill:22% Grid Supports: Yes (Zigzag, Touching Buildplate, Connect support zigzags "no") Build plate adhesion: None (If you have no Elephant foot issues) Raft (if you do.) I used a 3mm Brass tube for the hinge pin, (Cheap! $1.50 per foot at my local Ace Hardware) but you can use any straight 3mm diameter object long enough to go through the whole hinge. the hinge mount on the base hole is .5mm larger diameter than the cover giving it a little room to slip over the hinge pin of your choice... may take some fiddling to get it smooth depending on the quality of your printer. Edit: V2 of the LCD Cover is not as thick and has stops to keep the cover from pressing the touch screen. I didn't think the wide lid would register on a resistive touchscreen but I've had a few prints cancel themselves after putting the lid down. this should stop that from happening. The standard base will still work with this revised cover. Also "Beefed" up the handle as it seemed a bit thin and liable to break if hit. Version 3 is untested and may not work as intended...