Odradek (Death Stranding) Full Mechanical Prototype (WIP)
This is still work in progress, Friend of mine wanted me to create an Odradek for his cosplay. So I decided to make it fully mechanicaly working. Because otherwise it makes no sense. This prototype can independently rotate whole odradek, flap with 2 pairs of leaves and also rotate them to 90°and make a Cross symbol. There are som compromisses because rendering something like that is simplier then making it IRL, but I still want to be able to make most of the poses of the Odradek Scanner Now back to the drawing board... https://youtu.be/rkzg-IAoY3Q Updates: 19-12-20 : Leaves, upper arm, main joint, servo holder 20-01-06 : https://youtu.be/KaNtMCHh--A first complete mechanical piece