MG Chemicals bottle cap Brush Insert
This is a simple and quick 3D print which will allow you to mount the included brush into the cap of MG chemicals' 55mL bottles (in my case, it is the silicone modified conformal coating) . From what I understand, they used to ship the coating with the brush integrated to the cap, but at somepoint remove the brush and opted to supply two external brushes for the application. I don't understand why they would do this, as it makes storing the brushes difficult, and they dry and harden after use. To use this, simply print the .stl which best suits your printer (My printer I used at the time printed outer diameter of the part spot on, but the inner diameter was 0.4mm too small. I have supplied two .stl, one with the correct nominal size, and another with a 0.4mm larger hole) . I removed the small paper disc inside the cap, (though you may be able to stuff the print ontop of the disc for a snug fit) and use a couple drops of superglue to hold the print down. Another drop of superglue in the hole, and I then inserted the brush. After that, the modification is complete. I opted to also use a bit of hotglue in-between the inner and outer layer of the cap to disable to child-proof lock, and also make the brush more stiff and prevent it from rocking around when trying to use it.