Asthma Inhaler Belt Holder / Clip
I watched a movie the other day where the athlete in the movie had a belt clip for her asthma inhaler, and thought that is an excellent idea. But I could not find one on here, so I made one. The thingy is two parted, the ashmath inhaler holder and a belt clip that I borrowed from Barspin ( I added a flat bottom to the belt clip, and a square hole - the hole aligns with the the holder. My initial design was a single piece, but I lost a lot on the supports, and the angle of print turned out to create weak areas along crucial points. Hence the split design. If you print ABS you can use Acetone to glue the pieces together, or any other glue for any other material. I printed mine in PETG, and tested it in house by shaking it around a lot, walking with it etc. You will note that the release is a bit more tricky than the clip in. What I found to work is to twist it forward while pushing down. If you like the design, please tip. If you have any suggested updates, please feel free to comment thusly. And please post your makes. Ill post mine. **PLEASE NOTE** You use this at your own risk. I have tried and tested in on my personal preferred inhaler. It is not a perfect design. It is not based on any shop or buyable designs. It may not work for you. I am not liable for any problems you may have with the design, or loss of your inhaler. You are allowed to modify my design should it not work for you. This product is not for commercial use!