Dry Filamentbox for Ender 5

Dry Filamentbox for Ender 5


#Filamentbox with spooling and drying function# ##**The problem**## If you print PLA, the world is wonderful. On the other hand, if you want to print nylon, it´s hell! Nylon (also ABS, PC but not so excessive) takes huminity out of the surrounding air. So, it´s a good Idea, to dry nylon hours before using it in a printer, but this is not the hole story. Nylon, inserted in a printer, will start to fetch the huminity again, print jobs witch are longer then some hours will cause, that nylon will be saturated with water while printing. So the only way to print proper nylon is to use a box, witch isolates the ambient air from the unprinted filament. **Here it is!** ##**Commercial solution**## First i buyed a ready-made box from polymaker, but it wasn´t what i expected. The box is BIG and if you move the printer, the box will still remain on place (a second item, connected with the filament, for my handling, not ideal. ##**My solution**## My designed box (Version 3) will meet all criterias. The box is created to hold exactly one 1kg filament. It will hold and dry the filament with only half a hand full of silicagel. The hygrometer is inside the box. The Filament-stack is feeded on 4 bearing-balls, no handling issues! ##**What you get**## I uploaded all files you need to **create** and/or **modify** the design. It´s complete CC. If you want to adapt it to another printer, feel free. ##**What you need**## *You need access to a lasercutter to create the upper case. It´s made with Acryl/Plexiglas 1.5mm for optical issues and checking ammount of filament. 600mmx300mm is suffient. *The lower case is printed with PLA. I sliced it with cura, see cura settings in pdf-file. The design is made to fit in Ender5 printing area. *4xBearing balls 16mm outer diameter, 8mm inner diameter, 5mm width *2x8mm Axis (steel, aluminium, what ever), length 100mm *1x LAPP 53112100 feedtrough *1x LAPP 52103000 fixture for feedtrough *1x Acrylic Bond (f.e. Acrifix 1R0192). Superglue will damage surface by vapor *1x Hygrometer for panel mounting 45x25mm *1x Silicagel-packs or other stuff for drying *1x Sandpaper *(1x Rubbercord 1mm 1m) -> you will not need it *1x https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4067058 (Cable Holder for the x-axis) Log 25.12.2019: Since two weeks I started a experiment. I used the version2-filamentbox without feedtrough, put in a ammout of 27g of silicagel an a 500g nylon-filament-spool. Goal of the experiment was to find out how good the box will hold the inner atmosphere. In less than 2 hours I reached 10% huminity in the box. Since that time, the huminity remains on this low level. A second experiment started on 22.12.2019. there I installed my final-version-box on the Ender. I filled in 37g silicagel and began to print. The aim of this experiment was, to find out the impact of the feedtrough on the huminity while printer is running and filament was pulled out over a amount of hours. I also changed the filament-spool in this time. The result: hygrometer measures 10% huminity (it´s the lowest value, the equipment can measure). 20.01.2020: The silicagel (37g) runs into saturation and has to be changed. A great result, means filament-box holds 1 month low huminity in spite of printing out the inserted filament.



