Artillery Sidewinder X1 Auto-Power-Off solution
UPDATE 16th of Mai 2020: added a PDF with my slicer END-CODE UPDATE 2nd Feb 2020: the hight inrush current of the power supply will maybe kill the momentary power switch. In a forum I have read that a NTC resistor in series with the switch will reduce the current and save the live of the switch. A wide range of Ohm values are usable. Here are 2 possible types/sources: I will try a 33Ohm resistor but everything between 10 Ohm and 200 Ohm should work. UPDATE 25th Feb 2020: final version schematic added (correction of NC/NO of relay and M42 command) UPDATE V5 -> if you use OCTOPRINT, the plugin "Temperature Failsafe" can be used to shut down the printer in case of over-temperature. I added a chapter to the description exsplaing how to configure this. WARNING! There is a failure in the description (schematic). You have to use the NO (normal OPEN) and the COM contact of the relais-board, not the NC (normal closed) contact!!! UPDATE: the G-Code command for switching is M42, not G42 as used in my previous documentation Also please add following commands to the end-code of your slicer: M109 R50; set nozzle temp to 50°C and wait until it reaches this temperature M104 S0; set nozzle heating off Therefore I have updated the description to version V4 English: After I printed the first big parts using much longer printig time I wished to have an Auto-Power-Off since I did not like to waste energie but also to reduce operation hours of the printer. I tried with the classic method using the PS_ON signal and configuration in MARLIN FW. However, it failed. I could not make it running 100% after many tries and configurations With the same HW configuration, just adding a 10kOhm resistor and without any FW configuration and flashing I developed a new solution. Please find the description attached as a PDF file. The long version is in German but with some links. At the end you will find a short English version. In case of any question please leave it in the comments. I try to answer quickly. GERMAN: Wird über Octoprint gedruckt, so kann man das PlugIn Failsafe Temperature installieren un den Drucker hierüber im Notafll abschalten lassen. EIne Beschreibung ist in der Dokumentation eingefügt worden. Da ich die Auto-Power-Off Funktion bzw. Power-Supply-Control bei meinem Sidewinder unter Nutzung von M80/M81 sowohl in den Modi „ATX“ als auch „X-BOX“ (Firmware-Modifikation) leider nicht einwandfrei zum laufen bringen konnte, habe ich eine ander Methode entwickelt, um den Drucker nach Beendigung des druckens automatisch abschalten zu lassen. Hierfür sind keine Änderungen an der Firmware notwendig. Dennoch müssen Umbauten bzw. Einbauten getätigt werden, die auch die 230V Verdrahtung betreffen. Das darf nur von solchen Personen erfolgen, die wissen was sie tun und sich der möglichen Folgen bewusst sind! DIe gesamte Anleitung findet man im Anhang. Bei Fragen gerne hier in den Kommentaren. Ich versuche, zeitnah zu antworten. Ansonsten gerne auch Fragen im Forum.