Leather belt buckle
This is the simplest buckle I could think of that attaches to the kind of leather belt where the end folds back on itself and is secured by riveted snaps. My two main goals were that I wanted it to print fast, and I wanted the components oriented on the print bed for maximum strength. The belt this was designed for is 38mm tall, but you can fiddle with the height value in the OpenSCAD code if you want to tweak it for a belt of a different size. The face plate is square and left blank for user designs. Update 1/20/20: Added a buckle with the Hilbert curve design from [Fractal Music Box ](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:14546) by [jbum](https://www.thingiverse.com/jbum) For anyone wondering how well PLA holds up in this situation, after about 3 1/2 months of daily use during autumn and winter, the buckle itself shows no signs of wear, but the belt side of the attachment loop appears to be bowed slightly outward. It doesn't appear to be failing.