Anet A6 KFB3.0 MB Tray

Anet A6 KFB3.0 MB Tray


The BIGTREETECH KFB3.0 motherboard has mounting holes 92 mm square while the Anet A6 board holes are not square (x=86 mm y = 91 mm). So I made a spacer and open air tray that bolts into the Anet A6 frame and allows for the mounting of the KFB3.0 board. I used regular PC motherboard screws and standoffs on the motherboard tray (probably don't need the standoffs but I wanted the extra space behind the board to eventually tidy up all the wiring. Which I still have yet to do. :) ) The spacer isn't really needed as well, but I only had specific sized screws to work with.



