Boya de pesca autopropulsada anticosta / Self-propelled fishing buoy
Despues de ver este video en youtube , decidí probar suerte y hacer mi propia boya anticosta ,, como no se seguro si funcionara bien, he dejado varias piezas de la misma separadas, de esta forma , si veo que la boya no flota lo suficiente , siempre se le podrá adaptar una boya de corcho o algún otro invento. He subido un archivo donde he partido por la mitad el modelo y he vaciado la boya , para imprimirla en dos partes y pegarlas. También se puede intentar imprimir el modelo directamente entero, dejando un "infill" bajo para que haga la cavidad de la boya. Pero me pareció mejor opción partirla en dos para imprimirla mejor. La idea es una vez pegada , darle una capa de barniz o pintura para sellar algún posible agujero que le haya quedado en el pegado o la impresión. La forma de usarla "teóricamente" es como dice en el vídeo del cual la he sacado. Probaremos suerte haber si pescamos algo! ///////////////////////// After watching this video on youtube (link on top), I decided to try my luck and make my own anticoast buoy, as I am not sure if it worked well, I have left several pieces of it separated, in this way, if I see that the buoy does not float enough, you can always adapt a cork buoy or some other invention. I have uploaded a file where I have split the model in half and emptied the buoy, to print it in two parts and paste them. You can also try to print the model directly whole, leaving a low "infill" to make the buoy cavity. But it seemed better to split it in two to print it better. Once the idea is glued, give it a coat of varnish or paint to seal a possible hole that has been left in the paste or print. The way to use it "theoretically" is as it says in the video from which I have taken it. we will see if there is luck in fishing ! //////////////////////// PLEASE! do not use this or any other mine contribution to make money. They are shared to enhance DIY. Thank you If this thing was helpful or you like the designs, please click the "like" button. in that way I will continue sharing more things. If you print one I would love to see it in the section "i made one" of course, all views and advice are welcomed, you can always improve design.. thanks for watching █▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀▀ █▀▀█ █░░ █▀▀█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀▄ ▀▀█ █░░█ █░░█ █░▀█ █░░█ █░░ █▄▄█ █░░█ █░░█