Ender 5 LCD cover W / Raspberry Pi 3 case base (rotated)
This is a remix of an awesome LCD cover for the Ender 5 that incorporates a rapsberry pi case into the back. I have just remixed it to rotate the case 90 degrees - so that the USB / Network ports are on the bottom of the LCD cover when its on the printer. <strong>There are TWO versions - choose the one you prefer: 1. Rotated with ports on BOTTOM 2. Rotated with ports on the RIGHT </strong> Depending on your cabling, this can be much cleaner for cable management than the original (it was for my setup anyway). Original author: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3628970 <strong>NOTE: I also remixed a case cover, which I use with this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4071302 </strong>