2019 Mac Pro Drive Cage
This is an alternative drive cage to the Promise Pegasus J2i accessory meant to be mounted in the 2019 Mac Pro. There are two cage designs; one to hold 2 spinners, and one to hold 4 SSDs (in the event you have a PCI card to connect additional drives) The power connector for internal drives in the Mac Pro is a standard 10-pin micro-fit molex header. It can be spliced onto the SATA power cable of your choice. Looking at the board, or at the back of the cable connector, with the tab on top, the pinout is as follows: (GND) (12V) (GND) (5V) (GND) (GND) (12V) (GND) (5V) (GND) Someone informed me that the Pegasus cage mounts the 2nd drive upside down, and so to be compatible with the Pegasus cable assembly, I've made that change in the design.