Taz Pro 12mm Smooth Rod Y-Axis Upgrade - See WARNING!

Taz Pro 12mm Smooth Rod Y-Axis Upgrade - See WARNING!


WARNING! YOU WILL NEED TO MODIFY THE MARLIN FIRMWARE AND CREATE YOUR OWN VERSION TO USE THIS ON A TAZ PRO OR TAZ WORKHORSE EDITION!!!!!! Failure to do so may cause damage to your printer. Use at your own risk!!! Because the Taz Pro (and possibly the Workhorse edition) use Z-Max as part of their homing sequence, and because there is no Z-Min switch, the Taz Pro depends entirely on a pre-calculated print bed volume in order to initialize. In otherwords, if you change the amount of Z space available for a print, and you /don't/ change the firmware.. well, you're going to have a bad time. The constant that needs changing in Marlin is located in Configuration.h - Search for define Z_MAX_POS xxx ...and adjust that value appropriately , and flash that firmware to your printer. Print in ABS. The parts (just like Lulzbot's) are designed for ABS print tolerances; if you print it with PLA, expect a lot of slop in the part. Cura Print options to ensure there aren't blobs all over the inside which mess with the fit: - Layer Height: 0.27 - Combing Mode: All - Retraction Min Travel: 5mm - Print Speed: 30mm/s - Cooling: 5% (assuming you're using a Titan Aero design) - Temp: 255c (depends on your ABS) - Optimize Wall Print Order: Yes - Infill Percentage: 60 - Infill Pattern: Octet/Tetrahedral - Wall Line Count: 3 For the smooth rods, the 12mm smooth rods from a Taz 6 will do - however, please note that the length has to be correct to fit in a Taz Pro as the Y-Ends physically "cap" the rod ends. So you will need to whip out a steel chop saw and sander to clean the end result, or you will need to order the exact correct length (whatever the original 10mm rails were). This no doubt voids your warranty, and could damage the machine if not done properly. You have been warned! This is done entirely at your own risk.



