Plotter pen holder with ender 3 quick tool change remixing Proper printing/Specy_wot

Plotter pen holder with ender 3 quick tool change remixing Proper printing/Specy_wot


This is a remix pen plotter holder for the ender 3 based in the quick tool change by properprinting and the pen holder designed by Specy_wot. it adds the quick tool changing capacity to the Specy_wot pen holder. Using the cura z hop parameter described below let us eliminate the spring in the tool design as i see they do it in the mill engraver. to get my result using cura to get the g code used for plotting i combine the ideas of people in youtube videos like these: here he uses fusion 360 to transform the image to stl here is where i learn to get the vector in inkscape but then he uses a plugin to generate the gcode and he have to edit it lather



