Paleolithic Meeples
I created these meeples for use with Paleolithic RPG settings like Wurm, Cavemaster, etc. played with bits and pieces from Meepleverse by Ill Gotten Games. There are a number of spear-wielding cavefolks, shamans, hunters and gatherers. Also, hides stretched on racks, and three of the extinct "charismatic megafauna" our ancestors actually had to hunt with flint knives and bearskins just to stay alive. I printed these on rafts, but without supports. You can probably print them without a raft if you've got your settings dialed in real precisely. These miniatures are sized for Meepleverse and for the latest version of Pocket Tactics. They're sized at 4mm thickness (old version of Meepleverse) so when you print, if you're using the new standard, you'll want to increase the mm height by one on the Z-axis in your slicing program to make everything the same. I've recently started making special hero meeples available for sale. Need a hero, a villain or just an NPC that you can mass-print in any color you choose? Looking for something simple and minimalistic to give your Roleplaying Game (or board game) some sleek and streamlined style? Meeples on my site "Punkin' Figs" are a simple, inexpensive alternative to high detail miniatures, and need no paint in order to look great! Find more over at