motorcycle speedo cable photo interrupter adapter

motorcycle speedo cable photo interrupter adapter


I have seen similar concept before but nothing I liked so here is my version of an adapter that screws onto the standard speedometer cable (where the stock speedometer would go). The cable screws onto it nicely (12mm x 1mm thread) and the wall thickness of the plastic makes the adapter quite string...the hole is only 5mm which is just enough for the cable to turn without touching. Inside is a "chopper" disc, with 2 slots, that fits snugly onto the cable end. The chopper disc runs through a photo interrupter which sends a signal to an Arduino (or whatever else) where it is process and somehow displayed. The chopper disc will have to print with supports unfortunately. The whole unit is held together with 3 x 3mm screws. Please note this is still a work in progress as I haven't got an actual photo interrupter yet. I worked on the few datasheet measurements but unfortunately not ALL measurements where available and had to be approximated.






