CR2032 Box (20pcs)

CR2032 Box (20pcs)


I needed a simple CR2032 battery case as I bought a lot of 15 coin batteries. After browsing through Thiniverse I haven't noticed anything usefull or with a high enough battery capacity to be worth printing. That is why I created this simple case. It holds up to 20 batteries, has a nice snap fit lid and isolates the batteries one from another. This was designed for a 0.6mm nozzle print but my slicer didnt pick up the thin walls so I ended up printing with a 0.4mm nozzle. Do note that the .stl comes with 0 tolerance on the lid and case. I have my horizontal expansion set in a way that I dont need to use tolerances. Just scale the lid by a few percent and it should fit fine. I will post the result as soon as my printer is done. Hope you like it, have a great New Year's Eve and best of luck in 2020 (a new decade :O). Enjoy ;)






