Pride and Prejudice WordCloud Stand

Pride and Prejudice WordCloud Stand


***These models have been moved to Cults3D. See notes and links below.*** A few of my favorite things: *Pride and Prejudice*, Mathematica, and 3D printing! I made this WordCloud of *Pride and Prejudice* using Mathematica by Wolfram Research. The sizes of the words are related to their frequencies within the novel. Print this with two colors or with one and enjoy how the words evoke various scenes from the story. **Included here is the stand for display.** Find the WordCloud and background models on Cults3D: [Pride and Prejudice WordCloud]( Also see my [Star Wars WordCloud]( ---- This was printed with my Palette because it was two wide for dual extrusion on my MakerGear M3-ID. It could be printed using single extrusion and a pause for a color change. Base plate is approximately 190 x 221 x 3 mm. The words together approximately 177 x 206 x 10 mm. Printed with 0.3 mm layer height. No supports. No raft. The stand prints on its side with no supports. I used a raft to help it stick to the print bed. Simplify3D helped me finalize the design. Stand design was inspired by [Photographic Plate Stand]( on Thingiverse More of my models on Cults:






