MATSex - Mega Anti-Tangle Spool Extension (eSun 3KG spool adaptation)
A relatively simple extension to the Mega Anti-Tangle Spool holder which constrains eSun's absolutely massive 3kg spools. Complete with one-piece rollers with grooves that should also hold smaller spools in a pinch, and a beefier base with a cat on it. No, you can't have a version without the cat. Not much more to say about this, other than that this is also a rework of Sha-Rel's extension mod for the same @ - and some parts may hold some genetic provenance to edits made by them. I originally built that one but found it wasn't quite wide enough for for the eSun spools. Original parts include the arms (blind or m3 - this build used the m3 bolts) and the side parts for the base (though earlier versions showed that the one-piece sides also worked fine, and are highly recommended) EDIT (10 Feb 2020) - Updated bottom brace has been added under the filename *MASH-rework!_brace_rev1.stl*. The last version had unacceptably many holes due to bad meshing. Please excuse the bad versioning; the wrong file got put in when consolidating.