12 Cylinder (I KNOW IT SHOULD BE ODD-NUMBERED) Radial Engine model
So... SWMBO saw an industrial/steampunky ceiling light that was pretty much a two-cylinder engine (possibly Harley-like) with cables coming out og the cylinder heads that had motorcycle headlights suspended from them. Told her; "If you're okay with an engine hanging from our livingroom ceiling as a light fixture, I can do you one... nay 10 better and print you a 12-cylinder radial..." And thus this beast was born. Yes. I know Radial Engines have an odd number of cylinders to work properly. Yes, this one doesn't. But then again it doesn't have to run. It just has to look cool. And it does... There's no conduit in the cylinders for the cables. I had a comment about that, but I am -not- going to add some printing-time consuming channels/tubes to a print to avoid about 5 seconds of drilling with a long drillbit. The STL files are not the cleanest, nor are they the best around. But according to the old modellers rule "it looks okay 6 feet away in bad light" these are great... ;-) The valve push-rods are 6mm aluminum tubing. Now, there's multiple parts, and you can pick and mix. I made mine with one full ring and one half ring of cylinders. But you can make two full rings, or just one full ring. There's an ignition Ring for 6 or 12 cylinders. Hey, go nuts and do 2 and a half stack. Or 3!!