[r1] SecSavr Skyrise Tall Core XY 3D Printer

[r1] SecSavr Skyrise Tall Core XY 3D Printer


##Long rods from the Aliexpress 11.11 sale... This project started out as the SecSavr Simplex in July, where the goal was to 3D print the frame of a corexy so that I could get a cheap corexy. Archived the project for a bit until November where I saw some 800mm 8mm OD smooth rods. This re-sparked my imagination to continue designing this printer, as the Simplex was a printed corexy and that's about it. At least with a tall printer, I can print the tall things I wanted to get a Tronxy X5S500 or K280 for. This is my first 3D printer from scratch and I didn't expect to redesign once for longer rods, and then redesign again because the original design looked horribly disproportionate when stretched up to +1m in height. My main competition was the K280 delta printer, and this printer turned out like a "midrange smartphone". It's not a flagship with a Hermes, Duet Wifi and 12mm rods, but it's hopefully some of the best you can get for the price. Keyword hopefully. Not sure if 2 800mm rods as the Z axis is going to work as intended. The printer needed to print this printer is 300x300x400. A lot of the parts use the entire build surface so no binder clips. The main frame has been optimised for 0.6mm nozzle 0.4mm layer height 4 perimeters, although 0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer height 6 perimeters should work too. The build costs around £350 and the BOM is in a spreadsheet. The highlighted things are extras. ###Please like, comment or post a make! Even if it's just 1 piece that you made, or even a screenshot of it in the slicer, please post! Support/tips is always appreciated. Will create the GitHub repository shortly. ##Timeline [¬ = Updated, + = Added, - = Removed] [June 24 2020] - [+] Fusion 360 File - [+] Step file - [+] kelvinA logo on base - [¬] Tweaked some of the summary - I should start printing this soon after I've made the revolving hotend for my CR10 [Jan 3 2020] - Made the Thingiverse Thing. [Jan 1 2020] - Finished the main design for the SecSavr Skyrise and I can now start printing and fine tuning the model. ##The Spec Sheet [For the initial specifications I had starting this project, see the SecSavr Simplex.] - Build comes around to sub £330, but could probably go sub £300 if you don't get extras. - 24V 400W fanless power supply - Sensorless homing TMC2209 drivers - 200x200 heated bed with 700mm of build height. - Touchscreen with support for both SD cards and USB. - Some sort of tile like material present. --It's a SecSavr theme - Wire management - No "If only I spent 5 quid extra" 's -- I was annoyed that everything in my price point needed an upgrade of some sort that probably costs like £5 more than the part used. - SecSavr and kelvinA branding -- With the kelvinA branding being non-optional - Accessible from 2 sides - Looks aesthetically pleasing - 2 7530 blowers cooling down the part -- For printing with 1mm or 1.2mm nozzles - Piezo Z probe so that you don't have to redo the z offset after frequent nozzle changes. - 10kg weight attachment for the base to prevent falling - Flexible magnetic PEI sheet, with both a textured and smooth side - BMG extruder - Filament sensor - Orange Pi with Octoprint for wireless printing -- The £13 I save instead of getting a rpi is for the M12 threaded rods. - Graphite self lubricating bushings - Leds -- I'm thinking of an animated addressable LED strip at the front too - Endoscope camera -- Also doubles as a hotend LED







3D Printers