Squirrel Step, Knockoff- for Casting (DO NOT USE PRINTED)

Squirrel Step, Knockoff- for Casting (DO NOT USE PRINTED)


Squirrel Step, Knockoff- for Casting (DO NOT USE PRINTED) 6"x6" Printable Size **CAUTION** Not intended to be printed and used in plastic state **DANGER** This is a very Dangerous process I can not over state this, MOLTEN METAL can cause massive burns, Try at your own risk NOTE- I DO NOT GIVE ANY ADVICE on melting or safety as I'm new at this and what I know could be completely wrong, That's on me. I do not want anyone else to have an issue because of my advice. That being said You tube has lots of videos (right or wrong I have no Idea) If you have some ambition and want to try this (and you have researched the crap out of it), a simple crucible (can be had cheap on Ebay) a torch and some "Magic Sand" should do according to You tube. Green casting sand is better and can be had pretty cheap off web. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get familiar with the process and safety before even attempting this project. Getting hurt is very real!! Print both halves (I am a Designer with some casting design experience but if you notice something that would work better let me know, I guessed at sprue location), Create Mold (I'm not an expert, watched couple You tubes!!) Heat material and pour, let cool knock off sprue and theory is you have a part. GOOD LUCK, let everyone know how it went, if you attempt this.



