Atlas/Craftsman 12" Lathe Parts (ongoing)
Atlas/Craftsman 12" lathe parts. My one piece saddle has 10d-9 cast in the bottom of it, and is really hard to find. I have 2 of these lathes, one went through a building fire so I'll add additional parts as I discover what else I need to complete repairs on both. Unless noted below, these are all support everywhere, 40% gyroid infill, and 1.2mm walls. This lets PLA prints be strong enough used directly, without also needing to cast them in aluminum. Traverse gearbox - attaches the 24t to 12t for the hand crank to move the saddle up and down the lathe bed. I apparently missed the picture after installing the gears, will upload when I take the lathe apart again. Half Nut holder - lets you attach for power drive for threading. Specifically designed to use these 5/8" half-nuts: Atlas Steadyrest or Steady Rest, designed for aluminum casting only. has dimples to make drilling and tapping bolt locations. Designed to uses the 'most common' 9"/10"/12" fingers with bearings found on e-bay, or make your own with to match the specs from OEM: 3/8" x 7/16" and at least 2-5/16" long, and use 1/2" diameter shielded bearings. or brass and oil it vigorously. You will need longer fingers for safely tooling smaller than 1" diameter parts. The upper/lower parts are setup for printing on a 200x200mm bed, at the same time with rotation, or as separate prints. I don't have have a locking base figured out yet, beyond using my locking base from the tailstock with a shorted 3/8" bolt and a large washer to ensure it doesn't pull through the 1/2" hole.