Vawt - Project

Vawt - Project


## This is a work in progress and is at the prototype stage and has been made as a proof of concept *** Idea: This is project is to basically do something with my 3D printer other than make daft little things. The blades them self take a low amount of wind to start up in this configuration (gearing) and have been angled to create a small amount of lift whilst they are rotating. In a small gust I have had 24v 3Amps (no load) at this stage of the project, I am next looking at gearing and upgrading the supports. It is designed to fit 8mm stud and can be screwed into the plastic but I am going to use 10mm stud for more stability so I can stack more blades. *Another note is that in the video for version 1 they are not glued together, they are a very very tight fit and some sanding was needed but will be glued with epoxy resin later in the project*. Version 1 Short Video [Short Video](





