Male and Female AN Fittings 4AN 6AN 8AN 10AN 12AN 16AN (now w/ and w/o holes!!)
#Hello! ##Thanks for viewing my AN fittings! ##Updates ***7-1-2020*** - I have added some cubes whose inner geometries are female 4AN-16AN, please let me know if these are helpful! ##To-Do - Make a set that has no holes per @Wizard_Sleeve's request - Add text to one side of female socket to show what size it is - Add text to one side of male to show what size it is ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These were designed using the specifications found [here]( and the information contained within *Military Standard 33656* ##Updates ***1-4-2020*** - 16 AN male verified to fit inside 16 AN female at Summit Racing Store. - All other fittings were designed using the same methodology. - I have decided to make this thing exclusively male and will link a female thing when I get around to it ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #***Parts are not stuck to holder*** ## First image is rather distorted, these are very accurate, fitting snuggly into production fittings ##Still To-Do - ~~Create male versions of 4AN-16AN~~ Updated 1-4-2020 - ~~Create holder for 4AN-16AN male~~ Updated 1-4-2020 - ~~Create female versions~~ Updated 7/1/2020