Ana Shrike mask

Ana Shrike mask


This is a rough model used for an Ana Shirke skin cosplay. I sanded and then smoothed out the surface with XTC-3D and got a variety bundle of Gel Filter Transparent Color Film Plastic Sheets to use as a visor. I also cut blue painters tape in the shape of the 3 markings on the visor, but you could also paint those on or use EL tape for a light up effect. This required a bit of post-processing just to ensure that there were no sharp edges to cut my face, but it worked out well as a quick amateur cosplay mask. I recommend using some kind of foam to cushion your face in the chin and forehead areas. Adding a small blower fan made this much easier to wear, maybe coming from your hood or tucked in the extra chin area. You will also need some straps to hold it on your head, consider drilling holes for those straps instead of gluing them on.






