Uniden R7 Mount Base Clip
"Hi Guys, still fairly new to the forum and just picked up an R7 last week and decided to make some custom mounts for it and figured someone else might be interested in creating their own as well. __Attached is just the clip in piece, you will still need to add an arm, etc to it to actually mount it to something__. Ive also included a picture of a design i have been working on to mount below my cars camera module. Hope someone can find some use for this and would love to see the designs everyone comes up with. Side note, For testing I have been using PLA (temps aren't hot enough to cause an issue right now), BUT be sure to use something more high temp proof like ABS for final design!" Author: [Wooki3 on RDForum.org](https://www.rdforum.org/index.php?members/23723/) Forum post with publicly shared files: [https://www.rdforum.org/index.php?threads/95475/](https://www.rdforum.org/index.php?threads/95475/)