


Waffentrager, 1:100 scale (roughly), 15mm but not really I started playing War Thunder again a little more than a year ago and was instantly wiped off the map by this little terror that had come out in my absence. Now it's my favorite thing to roll in up to 8.0 because of the meme capabilities. Couldn't find any solid models of it so this is my best attempt at a printable functional model of it that can be used for 1:100 tabletop gaming. Props to TigerAce1945 and m_bergman for their models, I print a lot of those and used several for scale comparison in testing this model. Barrel is affixed to the turret using a total of 4x 3x1mm cylinder magnets. I use a dot of superglue to fit them because this is scaled up around 15% from my original design in testing so the magnets might not fit snug any more. Turret is fixed to the body in the same way. You may have to drill out the holes in the sprockets on the tracks to fit with the bosses on the body, I didn't put much time into getting the tolerance there correct for easy assembly. I know the gun is within +-2% of correct because I can compare it to existing 1:100 injection molded models by zvezda and other companies and the barrel steps and brake are as close as I can tell to correct. The rest of this was designed completely off of some random drawings, front side and top views I found in a google image search. If you think the scale is off, please let me know and I'd be happy to scale it differently and re-upload it. I can't find really any actual dimensions on this thing so it's made mostly by going in the War Thunder menu and comparing it to other tanks visually. Let me know if there's anything I can do to this model to make it more correct or overall better, I'm open to suggestions and this is my first complete model so I'm still learning. Enjoy! Edit 1: 'Member how it says this is a work in progress? One of these was curing yesterday when I posted this originally and I noticed on assembly that the gun actually wasn't the correct scale so I did some minor edits. Rest assured it's visibly extremely close if you already printed, but the fitment of the gun and magnets should be a lot tighter and more accurate with the model as of 1/8/2020. There will likely be more edits to follow as I haven't printed the current updates yet, I just wanted to get them on here so anyone downloading gets the most recent version.






