General Grievous

General Grievous


Remixed from the noted file on Thingiverse, as well as the file below for the cape: Printed on my Elegoo Mars at .05 layer height with Elegoo Grey resin. I used stock curing settings for the printer profile on Chitubox with manual supports done in the style of youtuber 3DPrintingPro (picture included for example!). Post-printing for me involves a primary and secondary ziploc bag of isopropyl alcohol. The print goes into the first bag, which goes into a water filled ultrasonic cleaner for 5 minutes (saves the iso!). After that, a quick rinse in the secondary bag of iso, then into a bowl of warm water for support removal. After trimming, 5-10 minutes in a UV curing chamber. The pictured print was done at 35mm; it's very brittle at the joints at that size. Unfortunately he doesn't stand on his own, he'll need a base. I haven't gotten around to switching my vat to black yet, will post more pictures with a base when I do!



