Siege Tower
Siege Tower Readme.txt This model has been designed for 28mm tabletop miniature wargaming. It has been designed to be printed on an SLA printer and has not been tested on FDM style printers. Test model was printed on an Elegoo Mars. All wall and floor pieces printed well when the wood grain on the planks were orientated vertically without supports. This model contains the following pieces to make it complete: FLOORS Siege Tower Bottom Floor with Axles Siege Tower Second Floor Siege Tower Third Floor Siege Tower Parapet Floor WALLS Siege Tower LH Side Wall Siege Tower RH Side Wall Siege Tower Front Shield Wall Siege Tower Parapet LH Side Siege Tower Parapet RH Side Siege Tower Parapet Front Side NON STRUCTURAL PARTS Siege Tower Wheel (x6) Siege Tower Axle Rail (x2) Scaling_Ladder-16_Rung Siege Tower Boarding Ramp <- Install pivot shaft before final gluing side walls The following parts are optional to accommodate restricted printer build volume or magnetizing the boarding ramp. Replacing Siege Tower LH Side Wall: Siege Tower LH Side Wall Spit Lower Half Siege Tower LH Side Wall Spit Upper Half Replacing Siege Tower RH Side Wall: Siege Tower RH Side Wall Spit Lower Half Siege Tower RH Side Wall Spit Upper Half These optional parts are modified to hold a 1/4 x 1/16 inch N52 Neodymium magnet to hold the ramp in the up position: Siege Tower Parapet Front Side with Quarter Magnet Hole Siege Tower Boarding Ramp with Quarter Magnet Hole