HOSE silence cooling system BOX (10mm /6mm) hose
you need for this hose system V3 V6 mount https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2494642 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- new : roller system : - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_WMPgLR-tM Update : new reduction ( 14 mm hole) for 10 mm(e3 V6 mount hose.better airflow than 6mm hose .Inside box is this my new blower created from intel cooler box link : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4459607 Includes outlets for 2x 10 mm hose .It can work at 60% performance and literally inaudibility ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YOU HATE the sound of 5015 Blower? so you're right here !!!! This is a 5015 Blower mount. The box must be created by each. The hose uses 6x 1.5 mm 5015 Blower are terrible. At low speed they make a whistling noise and at high are like a vacuum cleaner. This system closes them and can be operated silently at max speed 5015 Blower must not run at low speed: This closed box will not help either. The system must run at max speed. this will reduce up to 80% noise. This is cooling on a 6 mm hose (inside diameter) The system must run at max speed of fans because it does not have such a flow.(lose 50 % ! ) It includes a reducer to the system ( CR-10 Heavy Duty customisable modular e3D V6 mount Volcano 5015 ABL) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2494642 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6_n7f28dwM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9neBgPzTAw after new experiences, I recommend not to mount blowers on wood but just to put them inside on foam.This will prevent the spread of resonances !!