Furniture Connector Couch (Möbelverbinder)

Furniture Connector Couch (Möbelverbinder)


I was looking for a cheap and quick solution to connect my two ikea couch modules. This connector also can be handy for fixing other furniture to the wall or somewhere else. It is a quick print of two parts which can be disassembled after installation without tools. parts scan be resized in ratio by your slicer without any issues but the actual size is quite handy and perfect for a couch. printing time is super quick. I printed all pieces with 100%infill to make them as strong and durable as possible. In use since a few months at my own couch and still working perfect without issues. The connectors can be mounted like you want. for sliding sideways out or horizontally. You have to print both stl. one is fitting in the other. It has a uniqe shape so it is centering itself in both axis. Mount first one piece then slide the other in and use a double sided tape on the mounting surface only. After that you only have to attach the other furniture (in my cas it was a couch module, stick it to the double sided tape and unmount the loose piece of the furniture connector. it should stick exactly on the couch where you have to mount it with the screws. the 2 pictures are from an early prototype. the STL are final and have a few improvements but all in all the design is basically the same. have a look also on my website and find more details on my other designs Help cover the time of design and if you found this useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my paypal account - Thanks, Enjoy!



