Everyday Astronaut 3D coat of arms

Everyday Astronaut 3D coat of arms


Hi As a big thanks to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6uKrU_WqJ1R2HMTY3LIx5Q" target="_blank" title="@ Everyday Astronaut">Everyday Astronaut</a> for the many interesting videos to us people who love space, I created his logo as a kind of 3D coat of arms. Is one of the most ambitious and complex projects I have done so far. I have not only used the powder-coated-bed and the top-down method, I also used 5 colour printing, sanding, painting and a lot of gluing. I sketched the whole thing from a picture of @everydayastronaut and built the crest bit by bit. I made the whole construction in AutoCAD. The renderings were done using Fusion 360. I will make a post for a suitable stand for the coat of arms the next days. ## How I designed it? Scoll down! It's finally printed on my Prusa i3 MK3 MMU2 printer. Many thanks to @josefprusa for this great machine! *** >Take a look at the development process on Instagram: >https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/everydayastronaut_coatofarms *** **Happy printing** MFG Chris ---------------- If you like it ;) <a href="https://www.paypal.me/schiffersoft" title="Paypal Me ;)"> ![As you want - Thx for me!](http://www.schiffer-soft.de/api/paypal/paypal_37x23.jpg "As you want - Thx for me!")</a>



