MPMD endstop spacer
This endstop spacer will help you place the endstops of a Monoprice Mini Delta Printer at an identical position. Use the same endstop spacer for all 3 towers to avoid inconsistencies which you are trying to avoid by using this item. If you can not print this because your printer is too far misaligned, you might have luck using a micro SD card adapter or a full sized SD card as a spacer to get your printer aligned well enough to print this. You should probably rotate this to lay flat on the bed with the prongs sticking into the air. Sorry for not doing this myself in the design. 1. Loosen the endstop screws and slide them down. 2. Insert this against the rods with the prongs at the bottom and pointing towards the outside of the printer and slice it up as far as it will go. 3. Slide the endstop switch up as far as they will go. (It should be below the spacer) 4. Tighten the endstop screws without moving the endstop down any. 5. Repeat for all towers using the same endstop spacer. In step 3, it seemed like there was a gap when I checked with my untrimmed fingernails but it may be my imagination and I am choosing to ignore it. It slid as far up as it would. You may also want to clear your endstop offsets (M666) and save the changes (M500). You should check your slicer starting gcode to make sure you do not have M666 there anymore. You may also want to adjust your Z offset so that your bed squish is right for your first layer. You might need to calibrate M666 anyways even after using this simply due to the fact that delta printers need extremely tight tolerances to function as desired and this printer seems to lack those extremely tight tolerances.